P - T, s.r.o.


Alfa-Beta – Offices, Bratislava

Location: Einsteinova ul., Bratislava, Slovakia
Net rental area: 22 623 m2
Project accomplishment stage: architectural study 2008
Architects:  Juraj Hermann, Daniel Mikunda, Daniel Růžička, Lenka Gáliková, Michal Smolec, Helena Vojtková

The citywide Alfa-Beta centre is intended to be located on the lot adjacent to busy fast highway. Perceiving buildings from a fast highway is mostly limited to grasping large structures and overall impression of frontage textures. This phenomenon was taken as the basis for shaping the building envelope as clean-cut, integrated and longitudinal. Moreover, from the highway side the two separate rectangular buildings with 20 m spacing will be interconnected by a glass wall along their entire height, and thus the compactness will be amplified. Such shaping will allow to meet the investor's requirement of low costs, to make maximum use of the lot potential, and to provide a certain degree of space comfort for future clients, for whom the courtyard between the two buildings protected against noise and weather by anti-noise screen and a pergola with contrasted shaping will be an above-standard common space.

Alfa-Beta – administratívna budova, Bratislava
Alfa-Beta – administratívna budova, Bratislava
Alfa-Beta – administratívna budova, Bratislava

V realizácii


Projekty a štúdie